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3-Way Lighting-Finished

Default Light
1 Light
Spotlight with Fill Light

3 Lights with Color

The 3-way lighting is soo hard. Having to space them out is extremely hard. But when, you are done the light makes it really cool.


Lightsaber-In Progress

Today i was working on the Lightsaber project. It is going along well. I'm on the shaft part.


3 Complex Deformers-Finished

The deformers are really cool and fun to use. They are extremely interseting.
I really like the deformers.


4 Deformers-Finished

The deformers are so cool. I can't wait to use them on a massive field of cubes.


Final Abstracts-Finished

This picture follows the rule of thirds. The branch leads into the top left corner,
which is where 2 lines cross. The main part is at this intersect.

This picture has form, color, and curves. The egg is the form, the shape in the image.
The color  and curves emphasizes the egg even more.

This picture has form, (lack of) color, curves, and rule of thirds.
The curves and lines lead to the circle. The lack of color add to the mystery
of the image. The circle is in the top right intersection of lines.

I like this picture a lot. It is simple.
The curves and lines also lead into the circle. I guess the circle is the
form, the shape in the image. Itt doesn't follow the rule of thirds,
so it is a no rule photograph.

The image has curves, form and color (unlike the previous two).
The image follows the rule of third. The circle is at the top right intersection.
The circle is the form. The curves leads you to the circle.
Color also points you towards the circle because the color is dark and
then lightens up when you get to the form.

Final Abstracts Pictures-Finished